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We seek definition to understand the system so that we can discern the rules so that we know what to do next so that we win.
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Sales cares about selling and doesn’t much care how hard it is to build. Marketing is passionate about brand, content, and voice, and will argue endlessly for details you find to be irrelevant. Tech support talks to the customer ALL DAY, but still feels no one listens to what they say. Admins speak many of these languages and have more power than you think.
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There are endless interesting variants of meetings, but the one I want to talk about is the executive cross-pollination communication clusterfuck.
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just because they have „manager“ in their title doesn’t mean they know what’s going on as well as where to go.
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»L.? Wo finde ich neue Freunde?«, frage ich ihn und L. sieht mich verwundert an: »Wieso? Sind dir welche kaputtgegangen?«
Das Glücksprojekt: Wie ich (fast) alles versucht habe, der glücklichste Mensch der Welt zu werden
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You don’t yell in a bookstore; you’ll piss off the books.
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The paradox involves the implications of winning. Geeks will furiously work to uncover the rules of a game and then use those rules to determine how they might win. But the actual discovery of how to win is a buzzkill. The thrill, the adrenaline, comes from the discovery, hunt, and eventual mastery of the unknown, which, confusingly, means if you want to keep a geek engaged in a game, you can’t let them win, even though that’s exactly what they think they want.
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but it was worth it because there’s no more exhilarating place to hang than the edge of chaos. We’re wired to escape danger.
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Ist Religion an sich also nun gut oder schlecht? Ehrlich gesagt: beides. Mit der Religion ist es wie mit einem scharfen Messer. Man kann es benutzen, um Möhrchen zu schnippeln, man kann damit aber auch eine alte Omi abmurksen.
Heilige Scheiße: Wären wir ohne Religion wirklich besser dran?
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The main point to remember is that a Microsoft CA cannot issue a certificate that exceeds the remaining lifetime on the CA certificate.