
Zitat des Tages

Written by  on April 14, 2010

There tend to be more than one set of guidelines for avoiding failure.
In the end it comes down to "don't be stupid."

Theo Schlossnagle, Scalable Internet Architectures

Zitat des Tages

Written by  on April 7, 2010

System administrators like things automated. Ideally, everything would run itself, and all our time would be spent reading our favorite websites and RSS feeds.
Theo Schlossnagle – Scalable Internet Architectures

Scalable Internet Architectures

Written by  on März 22, 2008

I may be biased (though I think I'm right) in saying that avoiding failure is more fundamental to system administrators than many other disciplines. Why is this so? Because systems administrators are the ones awake at 3 a.m, when disaster strikes and who spend the next 36 consecutive bleary-eyed hours trying to fix the problem.

Theo Schlossnagle – Scalable Internet Architectures