Wenn Du glaubst, Du hast all den Irrsinn rund um verschiedene Datenbank-Systeme wie MySQL, Postgres, CouchDB, MongoDB oder ElasticSearch schon gesehn, dann trifft Dich Oracle…
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A lot of your work is done behind the scenes. In fact, people will often wonder what it is you do all day, since much of your work is never actually seen by the end users.
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Und nochmal über Entwickler und Administratoren:
Unfortunately these two groups rarely interface unless there is a problem (or an opportunity to point fingers at each other).
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Developers know code, and they know various facets of the business; and because they focus on those items daily, they are not spending time racking servers, installing routers, replacing hard disks, allocating space on the SAN, and so forth. Server administrators do those things, but they do not know how to code or build applications that will drive the business forward at the same speed as a developer.
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Gilt auch für andere Fachbereiche 🙂
If you come across a developer that believes they know more than anyone else in the room, you can sit back and chuckle because you already know that the DBAs are the smartest, otherwise you wouldn’t always be called to fix their problems all day long.
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Some might see it as “dumb luck,” but I prefer the term “smart luck.”
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With that responsibility, you will also find that you start getting more blame than credit for your work. I promise you this: no one will ever stop by your desk in the morning and thank you for the fact that everything ran smoothly last night.