
Zitat des Tages

Written by  on August 28, 2010

7 Jährige Tochter zum Papa:

T: Papa, ich will nicht arbeiten.
P: Warum nicht?
T: Ich will nicht vorm Computer sitzen und fluchen.

Zitat des Tages

Written by  on April 25, 2010

Kids, don't try this at home. Writing a book takes personal sacrifice, including many hours staring at your monitor while just knowing htat noboday will actually read this, execpt your relatives. And even then it becomes obvious that they'll nod their heads with a vacuous look on their faces and say, "Clustering what? Does that include Nougat in some fashion?"

Zitiert aus
Linux Clustering: Building and Maintaining Linux Clusters

Zitat des Tages

Written by  on April 24, 2010

Have you ever noticed that the system administrator's job seems to have two states applied to it? That they're either ignored or hated.

Zitiert aus Linux Clustering: Building and Maintaining Linux Clusters

Zitat des Tages

Written by  on April 23, 2010

To err is human – and to blame it on a computer is even more so.

— Robert Orben
Zitiert nach Cluster Computing

Zitat des Tages

Written by  on April 20, 2010

Computers in the future may weight no more than 1.5 tons.

aus "Popular Mechanics", 1949
Zitiert nach Cluster Computing

Zitat: Kinder und Computer

Written by  on Januar 2, 2010

Children should not be allowed in the same room with critical computers. Small children love big red switches and feel compelled to do the obvious thing with them.

— Leider hab ich mir auch hierzu die Quelle nicht notiert 🙁

The Urquan Masters

Written by  on Juli 25, 2006

Unter gibt es StarControl2 in Version 0.5 (eh schon länger)

Aber unter SuSE 10.1 lässt es sich auch endlich kompilieren und spielen!


Written by  on Mai 17, 2006

Dear Lord,
Please grant me the
ability to punch
people in the face
over standard TCP/IP.

— Aus einer Signatur

Dämliche Computer?

Written by  on Mai 8, 2006

Dämliche Computer nehmen alles wortwörtlich und müssen daher mit exakten Eingaben gefüttert werden.